Additional Application Documents

Traditional Undergraduate Programs

If you're applying for a traditional undergraduate program, please submit your transcripts*, recommendation letters, and other necessary documents to:

Office of Admissions
Gwynedd Mercy University
1325 Sumneytown Pike
P.O. Box 901
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

*Official transcripts may also be submitted electronically by your high school counselor, or via Naviance or Parchment.

Accelerated/Online Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 

If you're applying for an accelerated, online undergraduate and graduate degree program, please submit your transcripts*, recommendation letters, and other required documents to:

[Your Program Name Here] Enrollment Office
Gwynedd Mercy University
1325 Sumneytown Pike
P.O. Box 901
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

*Official transcripts may also be submitted electronically by your admissions counselor, or via eScrip or Parchment.


Need More Info?

For On-Campus Undergraduate Admissions:
Phone: 215-641-5510

For Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) Admissions:
Kathy Hosack - Administrative Assistant, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Phone: 215-542-4699

For Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs, Graduate Business Certificates, and Speech-Language Pathology programs:
Phone: 215-641-5541

For Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN),  Weekend BSN, and Graduate Counseling, Nursing, Education programs (including master's, doctorates, and certificates/certifications)
Phone: 833-588-5953